My three guiding “beings”
Being clear
We do not all speak the same language and we do not have to speak the same language. Being clear is kind and ensures that we are on the same page. This is the least we should do for each other.
Being curious
Be curious by asking “why?“ This enables me to shift the mindset from checking the box to staying community-centered, addressing systematic issues and focusing on long-term impact.
Being effective
I aim for efficiency. I believe in optimized, streamlined processes and workflows that allow users to accomplish what they need easily.
System Redesign
Transforming how the City of Seattle translates
Recycle More. Waste Less.
Design research, Multicultural Marketing
Get Out The Vote
Graphic Design, Newspaper Campaign
Good Do
Workforce Development, Social Enterprise
Baltimore HEARS
Senior Health, Education
Hollins Market Revitalization
Participatory Design, Community Development